Slumber Parties Under the Christmas Tree
It isn’t really original, but sleeping by the Christmas tree is a time honored tradition in our home. This year might be the first in about 21-22 years that nobody will sleep by the tree.
We used to do our Christmas Tree Sleepover the night we decorated the tree. Then we started to do it when it fit best in our schedules, and sometimes more than once a season. Because you really can’t have too many sleepovers by the tree.
Once the lights are twisted around the tree, the ornaments hung, and the angel perched on the top, we start preparing for a sleepover.

When the kids were really little we would blow up a camping mattress and they would pile on top with their sleeping bags, pillows, and blankets. Their faces glowing next to the lights of the trees. Eyes wide as they stared up from underneath the tree at their favorite ornaments.
As they grew, we added more mattresses around the edges of the tree, or put some kids on the blow-up and some on couches.
We would drink cocoa or have a special dessert. And read Christmas stories by the light of the tree.
As they got older they started requesting a Christmas movie on a personal DVD player. They would all huddle around the tiny movie player and snuggle in close.
I loved those days. I loved their matching jammies and how they all seemed to get along that night. It felt magical. Like a mini Disneyland in our living room.
Even when they went off to college they would come home and sleep by the tree. Draping themselves over couches or each other. Pillows and blankets piled everywhere. Christmas movies watched on a flat screen rather than a personal player. The movies changed to be funny and more grown up instead of the animated favorites from the past. But the feelings were still the same.
I still love the memories. I love the tradition. I love the way the lights look on their tween/teen/adult faces too. Even if they drag themselves to their own beds as soon as the sun starts to peek through the window so they grab a few more hours of sleep. I love it.
I hope now that we have grandchildren, one day they’ll want to sleep by our tree too. That we’ll read all the old Christmas stories that we read to their parents. That there will be a pile of cousins snuggled in close in their matching Christmas jammies (because you know that will still be happening). And we’ll get to watch a new generation of cherub-like faces illuminated by our Christmas tree.
Wreath Making Party
We have an extra holiday in our house every fall. On the weekend before or after Thanksgiving, we have a Wreath Party and Open House. Family and friends come to make their own Christmas or Advent wreath, decorate some Christmas cookies, write a letter to Santa, drink hot cocoa overflowing with marshmallows and candy canes, and kick off the Christmas Season.

I love this day. It’s one of my favorite days of the year. I spend weeks planning and prepping for it. I plan the menu. Everyone brings a dish to share, and I make a crock pot soup/chili bar to make sure everyone is warm and cozy.
My dad and I used to take whichever kids want to come and gather evergreen boughs from the woods; the past few years I’ve gone on my own. One year we even had snow while gathering boughs. That was my daughters’ favorite year as we stopped part way through to build a snowman and have a snowball fight.

I have learned over time to pre-bake the sugar cookies a week or two prior to the party and then freeze them in Ziplock bags. This saves me from hours of baking the night before. This is my all time favorite sugar cooke recipe. And our favorite frosting recipe comes from the Pioneer Woman. It takes a bit longer to make, but the whipped cream-like consistency is so worth it. I make the frosting the morning of the party so it is fresh and fluffy.
I love watching everyone create their wreaths. Singing or humming along with the Christmas music we have playing. The smiles on their faces when they are finished and they hold it up for everyone to see. I love how happy everyone is. And how happy that makes me. It is such a good day! And the perfect way to start the Christmas season.