latest blog posts

In-laws pic
In-Law Relationships
We realize that our relationship is not necessarily the norm.  You won’t find a lot of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law teams in most businesses, and maybe especially in podcasts.  Add to that the...
Cookie pic
Our Favorite Sugar Cookie Recipe
These are our absolute favorite cookies for the holidays. We make a quadruple batch for our annual Wreath Party, and at least a double or triple batch for Christmas itself. The cookies are easy to...
PPR pic
Postpartum Rage
Most moms expect to feel a huge range of emotions after giving birth.  You’ve just squeezed something roughly the size of a small watermelon from your body.  Your boobs now resemble cantaloupes. ...
Xmas Stocking pic
2023 Stocking Stuffer List
Every year, I try to help Santa out by finding the best stocking stuffers.  Of course there are the staples like toothbrushes and socks, but I also try to round out the stocking with a mixture of...